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Getting the nutrients your body needs isn't easy.
Our food isn't as nutrient dense as it was 100 years ago. Years of soil erosion and harmful chemicals are depleting the mineral nutrients in the dirt where we grow our food. We are strong believers that even the most balanced diets need supplemented with high quality, trusted vitamins and supplements.
We've curated our favorite vitamins & supplements to support a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. For over 40 years, we've been helping people like you live healthy and happy lives. Kickstart your health, right here.

5 things you should know about Mustard Seed Wellness
1. We believe products should be free from harsh chemicals and harmful additives, and that every step of the creation process matters when it comes to producing powerful products.
2. We are on a never ending quest to bring you trustworthy knowledge for the health of yourself and your family. So we started a blog! It can be found here.
3. We are a woman and mother founded business.
4. We've been studying health foods and supplements for nearly 40 years.
5. MSW is the online sector of our two grocery stores, Mustard Seed Market, both located in Akron, Ohio.